
Feed Edition 2018 MONITORING- REPORT Gate-Keeping in the QS scheme Page 2 Salmonella: discussion with experts from AGES Page 3 Relevance of parameters Page 4 5 Years of Monitoring Report Further development of QS Feed Monitoring in sight The QS Feed Monitoring is being developed dynamically and continously. Current incidents and new findings about residues in feeds are being given direct consideration here. The consequence of this is more extensive specificati- ons on guidance and limit values, as well as the adoption of new test parameters. A comparison of the monitoring data 2013/2017 shows an increase in analyses as well as exceedances, with a consistent number of samples. 3.5 million analyses have been deposited in the QS database in the meantime. An abiding theme here is and remains Aflatoxin B1 in corn and corn products , as well as salmonella, especially in protein-rich feeds. In an interview with experts from AGES (Austrian agency for health and food safety), you can find out more on Page 3 about the analy- sis, decontamination and prevention of salmonella. You can also read all about the latest developments and new findings in QS Feed Monitoring under “Short and Concise” on this page. Our current Monitoring Report Feed appears in an adjusted style. We hope you like it and wish you an interesting reading. Your QS Team. ■ QS feed monitoring … IN A 5-YEAR COMPARISON Partici- pants 2013 5,010 25,719 427,405 80 2017 4,761 24,452 498,944 255 Samples Analyses Excee- dances Year Period: 01.01.2013 until 31.12.2013 respectively 01.01.2017 until 31.12.2017 Short and Concise HYDROCYANIC ACID QS Feed Monitoring has been expanded to include the parameter hydrocyanic acid in the control plan “Oil seeds, oil fruits and other oil-supplying plants, their products and by-products” for linseed and lin- seed cake. Hydrocyanic acid has a directly toxic ef- fect in humans and animals. The lethal dose (oral) of hdrocyanic acid for animals lies in the range of 1-10 mg/kg, and in humans 1-2 mg/kg body weight. The first examination results show that the limit value in 50 percent of the samples is exploited to more than half and this justifies the continuous control of the parameter. The maximum legally determined level lies at 250 mg/kg in linseed and 350 mg/kg in linseed cake. These values were not exceeded in any of the samples. FATS AND OILS By-products of fats and oils according to the defi- nition contained in Reg. (EU) 2015/1905, may only be procured from 01.01.2019 if they are marked as “feed”. This prevents the reclassification of non- feeds to feeds and manufacturers must be able to present certification for the manufacture of these products. The change is the result of harmonisation with the other scheme owners GMP+ Int., AIC and OVOCOM, who have also implemented this require- ment. INTERACTIVE WORLD MAP The origins and analysis results of feeds all over the world can be accessed at the QS website. The interactive world map provides an overview of the residue situation in the international feed sector and can be used for in-house risk assessment or the opening of new markets. It comprises data from the last 2.5 years (01.01.2016 to 30.06.2018) and is updated regularly. ■ With the Ad-hoc Monitoring Plan Aflatoxin B1 in Corn in- troduced five years ago, QS responded immediately to alar- ming findings of aflatoxins in feed corn in March 2013. Ever since, every batch of corn (products) from the affected countries has to be sampled as a part of QS Feed Monito- ring – a 100% monitoring system. Due to continuing aflatoxin contamination in corn (pro- ducts), the now renamed Additional Control Plan Aflatoxin B1 became a permanent instrument of the QS Guideline Feed Monitoring with the revision of 2017. In order to control the aflatoxin risk precisely, the plan has been amen- ded a total of 27 times to date. With the adjustments to the risk classification of various countries of origin, a dynamic response is being given to the regional harvest situations. The latest results from the last 18 months show that the levels of Aflatoxin B1 detected in feed material samples is often above the QS guidance value of 1 µg/kg (data basis: 5,670 analyses, 88.7 percent of them below the detection/quantification limit). Based on these results, a continuation of the additional control plan has to be ex- pected. The QS guidance value was only exceeded in iso- lated instances (5 times) with compound feeds for dairy cattle. ■ Aflatoxin B1 – Additional sampling proving its worth QS guidance value limit value 324 232 56 27 2 QS-GV 1 µg/kg LV 20 µg/kg Number of analyses Measured values > 1-5 µg/kg > 5-10 µg/kg > 10-20 µg/kg > 20 µg/kg ≤ 1 µg/kg Period: 01.07.2017 until 30.06.2018 AFLATOXIN B1 IN FEED MATERIAL – VALUES ABOVE QS GUIDANCE VALUE Qualitätssicherung. Vom Landwirt bis zur Ladentheke.