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New issue of QS-Report Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes published

19/09/2018 | Production | Feed material production | Compound feed production | Slaughtering/Deboning

18 09 19 QS Report OGK Erschienen EN

The QS Advisory Board Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes visited Professor Ulrich Schurr at the Institute of Plant Sciences at the Research Centre Jülich and was given a comprehensive overview of the new technologies in plant research. In the current OS-Report, you can read about the challenges facing plant technology and what Schurr and his team are working on.

With the strawberry farm Böckmann, we present a FIAS-audited producer who talks about his views on dealing with harvest workers and how he has solved the problem of field toilets. The QS Advisory Board is currently dealing with this topic in depth and is working on concrete requirements for field toilets - e.g. the distance from the field and the number measured by the number of employees.

The new edition of the QS Report can now be read and downloaded from the media catalogue on the QS website. To receive it regularly and free of charge by e-mail, please register on the QS website under Press & Publications.

QS Report Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes (2/2018) - View and download here:

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