
IMPRINT Editor: QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH Dr. Hermann-Josef Nienhoff, Geschäftsführer Schedestr. 1–3 D-53113 Bonn Phone +49 228 35068-0 Fax +49 228 35068-10 E-Mail: Design: Susanne Del Din (del din design, Siegburg) Pictures: QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH, Shutterstock Data basis: Analysis results of QS feed monitoring from April 2008 to June 2018 As of September 2018 Monitoring- Report 2018 Feed More detections of ndl PCB and cadmium – Values on the same level The increase in detections of non-dioxin-like PCB and cadmium deserves special emphasis in the latest annual comparison. The values, measured at 50 percent of the strictest limit value, were on the same level as the previous year. In addition to the positive salmonella findings, the detection of antibiotically active substances also increased in 2016 and 2017 (from 0.22 to 0.62 percent). The active substance Pirimiphos-methyl, which is used to protect stored produce, was detected less frequently compared to the previous year. ■ Parameters in an annual comparison EXTENSIVE CONTROL PLANS WITH A SYSTEM QS covers a variety of parameters which are relevant to feed. These are essentially contaminants which have special significance for the health of animals and hu- mans and for which limit values have been established, either per EU legislation or through separate guidance values defined by QS together with experts. The structure of the control plans in the QS scheme is risk- based. All parameters were categorised as relevant to the feed or processing method to be examined (e.g. PAH with direct drying of the product) or to the target animal (e.g. Aflatoxin B1 for dairy cattle) and must be examined and complied with. The determined parame- ters do not necessarily have to be specific to each feed, but they can have an influence on the safety of the feed through environmental influences or cross contamina- tion. Dioxins are to be found in most control plans for this reason. The contamination does not have to ema- nate from the product or production process either, it can be caused by improper storage (e.g. next to conta- minated material) or transport (e.g. through the goods previously transported). By conducting examinations on each individual production stage (manufacturers and traders), a broad-based monitoring system is implemen- ted which ensures the best possible surveillance of feeds, as well as supporting quality assurance within each company. ■ Relevance of parameters ANALYSES RESULTS OF UNDESIRABLE SUBSTANCES IN A 3-YEAR COMPARISON 2015/2016/2017 Dioxins 4,579 87.49 % 7.41 % 4,455 87.21 % 4.50 % 4,642 90.41 % 4.62 % dl PCB 4,387 85.82 % 6.53 % 4,237 85.58 % 3.78 % 4,497 89.44 % 5.40 % Sum Dioxins and dl PCB 1,993 89.76 % 7.66 % 1,911 89.48 % 1.70 % 2,073 89.77 % 4.35 % ndl PCB 3,852 65.06 % 5.31 % 3,726 68.92 % 1.44 % 4,285 75.03 % 1.65 % Arsenic 5,841 31.30 % 18.82 % 5,856 31.75 % 21.30 % 6,341 30.83 % 20.87 % Lead 5,924 46.17 % 8.04 % 5,931 46.03 % 9.23 % 6,379 45.27 % 9.07 % Cadmium 5,924 63.54 % 4.86 % 5,933 64.92 % 4.67 % 6,378 65.27 % 4.28 % Mercury 5,851 6.03 % 9.07 % 5,858 7.34 % 11.86 % 6,341 7.00 % 11.26 % Salmonella** 10,405 0.13 % – 10,114 0.07 % – 10,472 0.23 % – AwS** 905 0.22 % – 870 0.57 % – 970 0.62 % – Pirimiphos- methyl 4,844 12.10 % 99.66 % 4,651 13.24 % 99.84 % 4,974 10.55 % 100.00 % Chlorpyrifos- methyl 4,845 2.70 % 77.10 % 4,651 3.23 % 63.33 % 4,974 2.92 % 67.59 % Parameter Number of analyses Value deter- mined* Values ≥ 50 % of strictest limit value 2015 2016 2017 Value determined Trend **only positive/negative results *Value above LOD/LOQ Laboratory performance assessment for feed IMPLEMENTATION QUALITY OF THE LABORATORIES UNDER SCRUTINY 52 QS-recognised feed laboratories participated in the laboratory performance assessment that was organised in spring this year. Laboratory per- formace assessments enable the laboratories to identify problems and sources of error, thus conti- nuously improving the quality of the analyses. The tests are deliberately designed to reveal and rectify weaknesses. This is substantiated by the result of the spring test in which 41 of the 52 par- ticipating feed laboratories passed, with 56 per- cent of the participants producing completely error-free analyses. ■ This year, the laboratories faced the challenge of identifying dioxin-like PCB in the test material within 21 days and quantifying it correctly. Two samples of the test matrix corn meal containing different quantities were sent to each lab. OVERALL RESULT OF PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT FOR FEED not passed 11 of 52 Passed 41 of 52 all congeners identified and correctly quantified with one quantification error with two quantification errors 29 10 2 Number of analyses Value deter- mined* Values ≥ 50 % of strictest limit value Number of analyses Value deter- mined* Values ≥ 50 % of strictest limit value Values ≥ 50 % of strictest limit value – – AwS = Antibiotic active substances