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Residue and feed monitoring: Does a QS recognized laboratory have to participate regularly in round robin test in addition to the QS laboratory performance assessment?

Yes, in order to maintain QS recognition, QS-recognised laboratories must provide annual proof in residue monitoring and feed monitoring demonstrating that they have participated in laboratory proficiency tests.

Residue monitoring laboratories are required to participate in round robin tests in the field of plant protection products and for the recognised individual methods in the matrix fruit, vegetables and potatoes. Laboratories from feed monitoring must participate in round robin tests in feed-relevant matrices for the recognised parameters.

The laboratories must provide the QS office with the following evidence without being requested to do so:

  • an annual list of the planned round robin tests for the current calendar year (by 15 March of the current year)
  • an annual list (by 15 March of the following year at the latest) of the round robin tests carried out in the previous calendar year with results and any measures initiated

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