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Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) - resumption of audit work

19/05/2020 | Auditors


Due to the spread of the coronavirus, we had strongly recommended to refrain from conducting all QS audits in the past two months. In view of the current slowdown in the incidence of infection and the relaxation that has already taken place in many areas of life, we now consider the conduct of QS audits to be possible again.

However, from our point of view it is absolutely necessary that all certification bodies and auditors follow certain rules during the audit. These rules must be observed in addition to the protective measures already in use (e.g. protection against infection in food processing companies, protection against epidemics and biosecurity in livestock farms).

For this purpose, we provide our certification bodies and auditors with recommendations for action for implementation of audits taking into account the current corona events. You can download them from our Infoportal on the coronavirus.

If the recommendations are followed, it should therefore normally be possible to carry out audits again.

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