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New issue of the QS-Report Meat and Meat Products released


18 05 09 QS Report Fleisch Erschienen EN

A new issue of the QS-Report Meat and Meat Products has been published and can be read and downloaded in the media catalog of the QS website.

For the current report, we talked with Jan Bock, Managing Director of Purchasing for Lidl Germany, about the motivation and aims to launch the Animal Farming Compass, and what role QS and the Animal Welfare Initiative play in this context (p. 2).

Another topic is the reduction of food waste: On page 3 you can read how QS deals with processed feed from foods that are not or no longer suitable for human consumption.

In addition, this spring issue features an insert with facts and figures on scheme participants, audits and monitoring programs for the year 2017. This time, the focus is on the cooperation with foreign standards for feed safety and quality.

To receive the QS-Report regularly and free of charge by e-mail, please subscribe on the QS website under Press & Publication.

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