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QS information event in Belgium a complete success


20 02 04 QS Infoveranstaltung Belgien

On 28 January 2020, a QS information event was held in Leuven for coordinators, wholesalers, preparation and processing companies and logistics companies in the fruit and vegetable sector. The event, which was organised by QS in cooperation with the Verbond Van Belgische Tuinbouwcoöperaties (VBT), was characterised by a mutual exchange of experience on practical issues. Furthermore, the 20 participants used the event to inform themselves about their activities in the QS scheme and about relevant changes.

In addition to information on cross-stage quality assurance in the QS scheme and on the changes made to the QS guidelines in the course of the revision, the event focused on the implementation of QS residue monitoring. In addition, the attendees were informed about the mutual recognition with the Belgian standard Vegaplan as well as further cooperation and existing recognitions with other standard setters.

For Ann De Craene from VBT, the QS information event in Belgium was a complete success: Our members are producer organisations and have been committed scheme participants in the QS network for many years. In personal discussions with QS, all questions regarding the guidelines, certification and residue monitoring could be answered competently. At the same time, the participants had the opportunity to exchange practical experience specific to Belgian production and to give QS feedback on this.

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