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Revision of the bilateral agreement between EFISC-GTP and QS

18/03/2024 | Feed material production | QS scheme

24 03 18 Bilaterale Vereinbarung QS EFISC GTP

The standard owner EFISC-GTP (European Feed and Food Ingredient Safety Certification Aisbl) and QS have signed an extension of the agreement on mutual recognition. As a result, QS is revising Annex 9.1 Recognized standards of the Feed Sector Guideline as of March 18, 2024.

As a result of the change, the feed materials that arise during the production of malt are now also a component of the bilateral recognition between the standard donors. This means that QS-certified companies can purchase these products from EFISC-GTP-certified suppliers, provided they have QS eligibility of delivery.

Furthermore, the recognition of a certification according to EFISC-GTP is valid for feed materials resulting from oilseed processing, starch production or biodiesel production (exclusively glycerine and glycerine, raw) as well as for trade, storage and transport of feed materials of plant origin.

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