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New FAQ area for laboratories in the Residue, Feed and Salmonella monitoring

04/05/2020 | Laboratories

17 05 17 FAQ System Liefert Antworten Auf Häufigste Nutzeranfragen

In addition to FAQs on the QS scheme, on participation in the scheme and on questions from the individual scheme stages, QS now also offers a separate question-answer area on its company website for laboratories active in the QS scheme.

It answers the most frequently asked questions from laboratories about entering analysis data from Residue, Feed and Salmonella monitoring into the QS database. In addition, the FAQs for laboratories contain the most important information on the regulations for participation in laboratory performance assessments, on the representation of the QS certification mark on inspection reports and on subcontracting.

The FAQs for laboratories can be accessed either via the heading FAQs at the top of the QS website or via the subpage for laboratories.

If you have suggestions for further topics or questions in our FAQ system, please feel free to contact us using the contact form below.


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