Our aim is to confirm consumer confidence in fresh food every day. The QS certification mark stands for a high level of safety for meat and sausage products, fruit, vegetables and potatoes. QS is the leading standard for food safety in Germany: 95% of all fresh pork and poultry, 85% of beef and 90% of fruit, vegetables and potatoes from Germany are QS certified. More than 25,000 branches of the food retail offer beef and pork, poultry, sausage and ham as well as a wide range of fruit and vegetables with the blue QS certification mark.
By displaying the QS certification mark on their products, the scheme participants show that they produce and market their products in accordance with the requirements of the QS scheme - from farm to shop.
For consumers, the blue QS certification mark has served as a symbol for almost 20 years as a clear signal for food with controlled production and marketing processes. It signals compliance with the QS requirements for the production and marketing of meat and sausage products and fruit, vegetables and potatoes as well as assured processes and product quality.
The blue QS certification mark
Shared responsibility
The circle symbolizes the commonality and solidarity of all partners in their responsibility for the product. Only when the safety of a food product has been conclusively confirmed across all stages and partners may it bear the blue QS certification mark. The blue colour stands for freshness and hygiene.
Consistent quality assurance
The arrow conveys the focus on the common goal: consistent quality assurance for safe food from farm to shop. And it indicates that it goes even further: because after the purchase - during transport, storage and preparation of fresh food - the responsibility for quality assurance lies with you, the consumer.
Cross stage scheme
The stages in the circle represent all the groups involved in the production and marketing of food: Feed producers, farmers, slaughtering and deboning plants, processing companies, wholesalers, food retailers.
The QS certification mark - consolidating trust, creating transparency
By using the QS certification mark correctly, you help to achieve brand strength and recognition and thus give the customer a clear signal for safe food from companies with inspected processes.
The style guide for the QS certification mark provides information in compact form about the rules for the correct presentation of the QS certification mark and its possible applications in communication. For your support, the guide contains numerous examples that illustrate the use of the certification mark on advertising media, packaging materials and in corporate communications.
QS certification mark - Signal for safe products
Via the following links you can log directly into our partner section 'Usage of QS Certification Mark' and use our form for an easier release request.
QS certification mark - Further FAQs
Sonja Pfeifer
(Project Manager Contracts, Use of certification mark)- Tel: +49 (0) 228 35068-136
- Fax: +49 (0) 228 35068-16136