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QS requirements "beyond the law"

The requirements in the QS scheme can go beyond the legal requirements. This this applies especially for processes that have a critical impact on food safety or animal welfare. Individual measures "beyond the law" are listed on this site.

However, it is important to note first that quality assurance based on one another. From farm to shop is characteristic of QS. The binding product and process requirements apply to all system partners at home and abroad.

Ensuring process quality assurance, independent controls, comprehensive monitoring and consistent traceability…

… are the core elements of the QS inspection system for safe food, which was founded in 2001.

The companies that have decided to participate in the QS scheme are audited at regular intervals. By signing the scheme contract, the scheme partners undertake to comply with the requirements defined in the QS scheme for production and marketing. At the same time, they submit to regular independent monitoring by independent, accredited certification bodies (ISO/IEC 17065) and recognised, accredited laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025).

Process control in the QS scheme is supplemented by the collection of relevant data and their evaluation in the system's own monitoring programmes. In the meat and meat products system chain, this includes feed and salmonella monitoring as well as antibiotics and diagnostic data monitoring. In the fruit, vegetable and potato system chain, the QS residue monitoring should be mentioned here.

All system partners must always ensure traceability. The compilation of information on the purchase of goods within four hours must be guaranteed.

QS requirements beyond the law

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