QS-Report Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes
(Issue 1/2018)
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are pleased to present you the current issue of the QS-Report Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes.
The recognition of GLOBALG.A.P. Option 2-certification is another important step in cross-border food safety. After the decision of the Advisory Board in autumn 2017, it is now all about implementation. For more, please read our article on page 2.
The correct implementation of the QS requirements also in neighboring European countries must be ensured and well communicated on site. In this endeavor, the QS team is sup-ported by Maribel Chiva Silvestre, based in Valencia, Spain. She is the contact person for the Spanish scheme participants and organizes events. In an interview for the new issue of the QS-Report, we talked to Maribel about working with QS (p.4).
The insert Facts, figures, data
summarizes the achievements, which QS achieved together with its scheme participants, certification bodies and laboratories in 2017.
Your questions and comments are welcome. Please do not hesitate to contact us via presse@q-s.de.
QS-Report Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes (01/2018)
Insert QS-Report Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes (01/2018)
We hope you enjoy reading the report.
With best regards,
Your QS team