QS-Report Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes (issue 1/2020)
Dear Sir or Madam,
Since the last weeks and months the corona virus has had a firm grip on us all and continues to demand our attention. However, despite all the uncertainty and the crisis reports of these days, we would like to use this QS-Report to look to the future and present the QS Academy (QS-Akademie), our knowledge portal for all aspects of fresh food. We also spoke with our Spanish QS scheme participant La Unión Corp. about its quality assurance philosophy. You can also expect an article on the subject of application safety for plant protection products.
As usual, the spring issue includes an insert with figures, data and facts on scheme participants, audits and residue analyses for the year 2019.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue. Stay healthy and optimistic!
Click on the following links to download the QS-Report and the insert: