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QS-Report Meat and Meat Products (01/2018)


QS-Report Meat and Meat Products (01/2018)

Dear Sir or Madam,

Food that can not be purchased or is no longer suitable for human consumption can be used directly or as processed feed for our farm animals. On page 3 of our current QS-Report we report how QS handles these feed.
Very recently, the European Commission has published a guideline on the processing of foodstuffs (2018 / C 133/02) - an important step towards the reduction of food waste.

Click the following link to download the QS-Report:

This spring issue features an insert with facts and figures on scheme participants, audits and monitoring programs for the year 2017. This time, the focus is on the cooperation with foreign standards for feed safety and quality.

Click the following link to download the insert Facts, figures, data:

We hope you enjoy reading!

Your QS team

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