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November 2022 - Overview of new QS scheme participants

Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.


Aflatoxin B1 - Revision of the additional control plan

QS has revised the additional control plan for aflatoxin B1 with effect from November 22, 2022. Based on the available results on aflatoxin B1 in maize, new risk classifications for the countries of origin Romania and the Hungary were made in the course of the revision.


October 2022 - Overview of new QS scheme participants

Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.


September 2022 - Overview of new QS scheme participants

Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.


August 2022 - Overview of new QS scheme participants

Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.


July 2022 - Overview of new QS scheme participants

Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.


Derogation for the transport of feed from Ukraine

Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine is causing - among numerous other aspects - bottlenecks in the availability of various goods. Due to the blockade of the seaports in Ukraine, as many goods as possible are now to be reallocated to roads, railways or inland waterway vessels. However,...


Writable QS checklist for internal audits now available

QS is now providing its partners in the feed sector with a writable version of the QS checklist for internal audits in the document center. According to the QS guidelines, companies must carry out internal audits at planned intervals in order to validate whether their own QM system meets the...


Laboratory performance assessment 2022/1: need for optimization identified

The results of the first performance assessment in 2022 are available. There is a need for improvement in the analysis of relevant metabolites. The QS requirement to screen certain single-method active substances in the multimethod was not always consistently carried out by the laboratories....

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