If a company participates in the QS scheme for the first time or if its company key data changes, the so-called master data must be correctly stored or changed for QS. This is initiated via your own coordinator. A number of documents are available to support you in this process. This is because...
All News (Pool)
April 2024 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.
QS Sojaplus - Benchmarking requirements for standard owners
Soybeans must meet sustainable cultivation requirements for delivery into the QS scheme. On the QS website, you can now find an extract of the criteria that QS sets for the sustainable production of soybeans. Standard owners who wish to be benchmarked via QS must fulfill these accordingly.
Module QS Soyplus - recognition of further standards
On May 2, QS revises Appendix 4.2 Recognized standards for soybean cultivation and Appendix 4.3 Recognized schemes for the add-on module QS Soy<sup>plus</sup> for feed trade and production . For soybean cultivation (Annex 4.2), there are some new or extended recognitions of...
Laboratories and certification bodies: Communicating your own work in the QS...
QS is now providing QS-recognized laboratories and certification bodies with their own logos for their corporate communication. Last year, QS already visually separated corporate communication from product communication with the introduction of a new company logo. The QS certification mark will...
Revision of the Aflatoxin B1 additional control plan
QS revises the additional control plan Aflatoxin B1 with effect from April 11, 2024 (Annex 8.5 to the Guideline Feed Monitoring). Based on the available analysis results for aflatoxin B1, the risk of contamination with the mycotoxin for maize was changed for the following countries of origin:
March 2024 - Overview of new QS scheme participants
Every month, new companies decide to participate in the QS scheme and thus give a signal to their customers that all their operational processes are checked by independent certification bodies.
Revision of the bilateral agreement between EFISC-GTP and QS
The standard owner EFISC-GTP (European Feed and Food Ingredient Safety Certification Aisbl) and QS have signed an extension of the agreement on mutual recognition. As a result, QS is revising Annex 9.1 Recognized standards of the Feed Sector Guideline as of March 18, 2024.
Additional control plan Aflatoxin B1 - New risk classification of the country...
QS revises the additional plan Aflatoxin B1 with effect from March 14, 2024 (Annex 8.5 to the Guideline Feed Monitoring) . Based on the available analysis results for aflatoxin B1 in maize, the risk classification of the country of origin Ukraine will be updated.